Singapore/Spalding Night
K-2: This Thursday, August 31st 6:00-7:30
New to Great Hearts?
Curious how to support your child in Spalding homework?
Interested in learning about number bonds and what makes Singapore Math different from other approaches?
Join us in the MPR next Thursday, August 31st as we dive deeper into our Math and Spelling/Phonics curriculum. We will be sharing information, resources, and strategies to better partner with you in providing effective support for your scholar at home.
Please note: This is a Parent Only Event!
Love and logic Seminar-
Parenting Techniques
Parenting Techniques
Tuesday, September 12th from 6:30-8 p.m. for a FREE seminar learning how to:
-Help children take ownership for their own problems
-Use tools that will allow you to eliminate arguing in the home
-Get children to act the first time you ask
-Help children to be more responsible
-Allow consequences to be the "bad guy," not you
A glance at our coming week...
ELA: Literature: Short Stories
1. The Fisherman and His Wife (Fairy Tale)
Skill focuses: Reading for fluency based off of end marks, Answering questions-who, what, where, when, why, and how, Sequencing, & Moral of the story
Grammar: Adjectives and Verbs (linking/being)
Spelling (Spalding):
-30 word spelling test Friday
Handwriting Focus: Focus on BEGINNING letter formation - letters that start with a line and letters that begin at 2:00
Idiom: "Turn over a new leaf"
Poem: Next Poem will be introduced after Labor Day
Monday-Thursday is the end of our Magnetism Unit
A completed study guide will go home Tuesday for review
Thursday - Magnets Assessment
Friday 9/1 We will start our Simple Machines Unit
-Students will understand that machines help us do work.
-Students will understand that work is when force is applied to an object and it moves in the direction of the force
force- a push or a pull
work- when force is applied to an object and it moves in the direction of the force
-Students will locate Canada
-Students will identify important places and landforms in Canada
-Students will locate Mexico
-Students will know the basic history of Mexico
-Students will identify central America on a map and the countries in South America.
-Students will identify the West Indies on a map and understand how they were named
-Students will identify the continent of South America
-Students will describe important features of Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana
-Relate "More than and "less than" to subtraction. Review comparison concepts in word problems
-Review mental math: Addition and subtraction of two digit numbers, no renaming
-Students will practice solving word problems (addition and subtraction)
-Students will add a 2 digit number to a number within 1,000 without renaming
-Students will add 3 digit numbers without renaming - solve word problems
-Review mental math: Addition and subtraction of two digit numbers, no renaming
-Students will practice solving word problems (addition and subtraction)
-Students will add a 2 digit number to a number within 1,000 without renaming
-Students will add 3 digit numbers without renaming - solve word problems
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