Black folders went home Friday. Please sign the enclosed page to acknowledge you viewed the contents.
Black folder Conversations
1. It is okay to make mistakes, that is the way we learn.
2. It is intelligent to ask for help
3. We can do more and learn more if we are willing to take risks
4. Everyone needs time to think and to learn.
5. We each learn in our own ways, by our own clocks.
"I can learn how to do this."
"What can I learn from my mistake?"
"I can always give my best effort and improve."
"This just needs more time and effort."
"I can't do it yet."
"I can learn how they do it."
"What other strategies can I try?"
"I'm on the right track."
Thank you to all who attended the Singapore and Spalding Information Night last night (Thursday 8/31).
If you were unable to attend here are some of the resources:
Phonogram Phone App-(Copy and paste the link)
Singapore Resources-
Why Before How Singapore Math Computation Strategies
By: Jana Hazelkamp
The Parent Connection for Singapore Math Tools to Help Them "Get It' & Get Behind It
By: Sandra Chen
It's the Story that Counts
More Children's Books for Mathematical Learning K-6
by: David J. Whitin and Sandra Wilde
Singapore Classes:
Singapore Math Parent Classes
Maricopa County Library
Free with current library card: Look on Library website under "Learn" Six Week Course
Singapore Internet Resources: (copy and paste)
Other Upcoming Events:
Love and Logic Seminar (FREE)
Tuesday, September 12th 6:30-8
Parent Techniques:
-Help children take ownership for their own problems
-Use tools that will allow you to eliminate arguing in the home
-Get children to act the first time you ask
-Help children to be more responsible
-Allow consequences to be the "bad guy," not you
Literacy Night - (Read-a-thon kick off) Food trucks, Scholastic Book Fair, Craft, & a show
Sept. 29 5:00
A glance at our coming week...
Literature- The Boxcar Children Chapters 1-4
Please send in The Boxcar Children so your child has it for class Tuesday.
Grammar- 5 parts of a Sentence
1. Subject 2. Verb 3. Makes sense 4. Capital letter 5. Punctuation Mark
Writing with Ease - Aesops Fables
Spalding- Handwriting Focus=phonograms/words rest on the baseline and tall letters approach the top-line but do not touch it.
20 word test Friday
Math: Addition, Subtraction, and word problems
-Subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers without renaming & solve word problems
-Add ones or tens to a 3 digit number using mental math strategies
-Rename ones and solve word problems
-Students will understand that machines help us do work
-Students will understand that work is when force is applied to an object and it moves in the direction of the force.
-plane, incline plane, ramp
-Students will explore inclined planes and identify its parts and purpose in everyday life and review the history of this simple machine (Egypt)
Wrap up Americas unit - Students will identify the countries in South America and review unit of the Americas (N., central, S.)
Test Thursday - a tool to study will be sent home Wednesday
Friday we introduce our new unit! ASIA - we will journey through Asia starting in Japan but first...
-Students will locate Japan, China, and India on a map of Asia
Tutoring Clarification:
The week of 8/28 Tutoring invitations began to be sent out. I do not charge for after school tutoring time (I believe it is my role as a teacher to support the students that are struggling) I tutor Mon. and Thurs. Please note: Tutoring is by invitation only. If your child is struggling with a concept at home please reach out to me.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me. We can conference by phone or set up a time to meet. I am here to support your child mentally and emotionally as we journey through the deep, rigorous curriculum.
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Just because it is hard doesn’t mean something is wrong! |
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