8/21 - 8/25
Thank you for coming to curriculum night Thursday evening. If you were unable to attend please see the email containing the handouts we discussed and the powerpoint. If you did not receive this email of information please contact me. I also made efforts to provide those who were unable to attend with hard copies from that evening within your child's take home folder.
Want to be a class liaison? Visit: https://archwaylincolnpso.com/2017/08/11/want-to-be-a-class-liaison/
Singapore Math & Spalding Phonics Night k-2
Thursday, August 31, 6:00pm – 7:30 p.m.
Love and logic- Parenting Techniques
Tuesday, September 12th from 6:30-8 p.m. for a FREE seminar learning how to:
-Help children take ownership for their own problems
-Use tools that will allow you to eliminate arguing in the home
-Get children to act the first time you ask
-Help children to be more responsible
-Allow consequences to be the "bad guy," not you
A glance at our coming week...
Math: Unit one assessment Wednesday
(A math Review guide titled "TEST B" and will be sent home Monday)
Next unit: Strategies for adding and subtracting within 20 mentally using base ten properties of numbers
Whole concepts in word problems
Number Bond Clarification Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn26on8U1X4
ELA: Literature: Short Stories
1. El Pajaro Cu, Mexican Folktale
2. How the Camel Got His Hump
Skill focuses: Reading for fluency based off of end marks, Answering questions-who, what, where, when, why, and how & Determine central message or moral from stories from multiple cultures
Grammar: Adjectives and Verbs (linking/being)
Spelling (Spalding):
-30 word spelling test Friday
Handwriting Focus: Tall letters are approaching the top line. Short letters are the height of the midpoint
Idiom: "Turn over a new leaf"
Poem: "Sea Shells" by Lorca Garcia (short poem) To be presented: This Monday, 8/21
Science: Magnetism
-Students will understand how a compass works and how to use one to navigate.
-Students will have hands on experience exploring a magnet's magnetic field
-Students will understand that a magnetic field is strongest at the poles
-Students will be able to explain how magnets are used in everyday life
Monday- Solar Eclipse
The following info was taken from the green handout given Wed.
If you would like to attend the Solar Eclipse viewing outside with your child, we will utilize the donated eye wear. Please follow the steps below on the morning of August 21st.
1. Arrive at 9:30 am to the MPR with your Driveline Number. Students will not be released for outside viewing without a driveline number entered into the system.
2. Administrators will page the classroom for your child to come down to the MPR and receive viewing glasses.
3. View the eclipse on the field and return to the MPR with your student when ready.
4. Students will return to class.
Path of totality
1. Arrive at 9:30 am to the MPR with your Driveline Number. Students will not be released for outside viewing without a driveline number entered into the system.
2. Administrators will page the classroom for your child to come down to the MPR and receive viewing glasses.
3. View the eclipse on the field and return to the MPR with your student when ready.
4. Students will return to class.
Path of totality
Brain pop about eclipse
History: Assessment is paced out over two days. Scholars will start the assessment Wed., finishing Thurs.
A study guide is going home Tues.
Concepts for test: Parts of a map (compass rose, scale, key, symbol), Cardinal Directions (NSEW), Landforms (coast, oasis, desert, prairie, valley), Locations (city, state, country, continent)
Next Unit - starting Thursday:
-Students will identify the three countries in North America
-Students will identify important places and landforms in the united states (Washington DC, Appalachian Mountains, Rocky Mountains, Great Lakes, Mississippi River)
-Students will locate Canada
-Students will identify important places and landforms in Canada (Provinces)
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