Friday, February 15, 2019

Week of 2/19/19

Important Dates 
  1. Monday, February 18th: No School, President's Day
  2. Wednesday, Feb. 27th: Little House in the Big Woods Coffee Talk (all reading and math groups are cancelled this day to make time for the coffee talk)
  3. Thursday, Feb. 28th: February Book Orders due (New flyers went home on Friday.)
  4. Friday, March 1st: Bed in Summer Poetry Recitation due
A Look in the Classroom 
  1. ELA: We will be introducing another part of speech next week when we begin our study of prepositions. We will learn about a new type of writing when expository writing is introduced. We will be reading our final tall tale, John Henry, as we continue to connect ELA to westward expansion. 
  2. History: We will talk about the California gold rush and the famous Oregon Trail. We will also explore who the riders of the Pony Express were and learn how the technology of the telegraph replaced them.
  3. Science: Scholars will begin to learn about the water cycle. Leaning on the discussions we had about states of matter last week, we will discuss what the water cycle is using key terms such as evaporation and condensation.
  1. Math Objectives:
    1. Count and multiply by 5’s
    2. Solve word problems by multiplying by 5
    3. Divide by 5 and solve division word problems

  1. Friday: Spelling Test

Please reach out with any questions you may have. Wishing you a safe and relaxing long weekend with you scholars!

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Last Blog of the Year

Important Dates   1.       Wednesday, May 22nd: Insect Museum  2.       Thursday, May 23 rd : Last Day of School/ Charlotte's  We...