Classroom Decorum: 1. I allow students to remain in my classroom as long as they do not cause a problem for anyone else.
2. If they cause a problem, I will ask them to fix it.
3. If they can't or will not fix it, I will do something.
4. What I will do will depend on the situation.
I use Love and Logic for managing classroom behavior
visit to read more about this approach.
- THIS Tuesday, August 15th - Student Picture Day
- THIS Thursday, August 17 - K-2 Curriculum Night
- THIS Friday, August 18 - July and August Birthday Book Club
- August 22 - 3-5 Curriculum Night
- September 12 - Love and Logic by Larry Kerby 6:30 - 8 p.m.
A glance at our coming week...
Spelling (Spalding): (see below for Spelling word homework clarification!)
-Spelling words start this week 30 word spelling test Friday
-Idiom: "Turn over a new leaf"
Spelling homework Clarification/Directions:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Spelling Homework: 10 new words each day(Packet and separate small sheet with one day's 10 words = your copy / blank packet =student's)
In class, your child received direction and instruction with 10 new words.
The homework steps are:
1. Parent: Say each word, then say it in a sentence, and then say the word again.
2. Your child writes the word, and markings, as seen on your copy of words.
He/she does not include the rules they learned in class, as rules are only practiced in class. ----help your child make appropriate corrections, immediately, before moving on to the next word.
3. When you complete all 10 words, your child will turn the next page of the packet so they cannot see the words they just wrote.
4. ...Repeat this entire process 2 more times, so each word has been practiced a total of 3 times (PLEASE NOTE: The words are never to be copied)
Thursday Spelling Homework: All 30 words
1. Say each word, then say it in a sentence, and then say the word again.
2. Your child writes the word only, as seen on your copy. He/she does not include the markings (on Thursday) or rules they learned in class.
---help your child make appropriate corrections, immediately, before moving on to the next word.
3. Process is done once, so each of the 30 weekly words from M,T,Wed. has been practiced once.
(Please make sure your child is not copying the words from this homework page, but you are reading them to your child.)
Math: Review-Read and write 2 digit numbers in words-Rename tens and ones-Count on and count back from a given number within 100-Compare and order numbers within 1000 use symbols -Count on by 1, 10, 100-Count back by 1, 10, 100-Find patterns on or back by 1, 10, 100 ELA: -Literature: Skill focus- Sequencing & Determining the moral of a story-Short story: The Blind Man and the Elephant Cont.-Poem: "Sea Shells" by Lorca Garcia (short poem)
Sent home: Monday, 8/14, To be presented: Monday, 8/21Sent home: Monday, 8/14, To be presented: Monday, 8/21-Grammar: Noun, Verb (Discovery, Discussion, Identifying)
Science: Magnetism-Students will discover naturally magnetic rocks and learn about the history of magnets -Students will discover the poles of a magnet. -Students will learn the law of magnetic attraction.-Students will identify the earth as a magnet. -Students will understand how a compass works and how to use one to navigate. -Students will understand the events of a solar eclipse -Students will know the pat of totality of the 2017 solar eclipse
History: -Students will identify the seven continents and five oceans on a map and globe. -Students will recognize the connections between city, state, country, and continent
-Students will recognize the connections between city, state, country, and continent -Students will identify and define the following landforms: coast, valley, prairie, and desert, and oasis
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