What a beautiful, exciting day Friday was! Your child demonstrated such courage and friendship throughout the day.
The second grade scholars were attentive and respectful, learning many new routines and discussing classroom decorum, having a growth mindset, and actively looking for ways to be kind. My biggest hope is that your child understands "It is okay to make mistakes, that's the way we learn!" "It is okay not to know, it is not okay not to try!" Please email me if you have any concerns or questions about classroom expectations or routines. I greatly value strong communication with you as we partner this year.
In the blog post below you will find...
- What your scholar will be studying this week
- Upcoming quizzes/tests
- Homework explanations and some homework procedure directions
Regarding Emails:
If you have not received an email from me stating I have updated the blog you are not on my email class list but your spouse probably is. If you would like to be on the email list please email me!
Second Grade Homework Clarification:
20-30 minutes for homework + 20 minutes at home reading
= 40-55 minutes of overall homework time
Spalding- Daily
Math- Daily
Writing or Grammar- 1-2x weekly
History or Science- 1-2x weekly
Latin- weekly
Orange Folder: Take home daily
Homework will be coming home each evening in your child's orange folder.
Agendas will be checked daily. Please sign the agenda to show your child read for 20 minutes. I placed a sticker showing where to sign Friday.
Black folder:
Graded work will be returned in the Friday folder (the black folder) There is a sheet to date and sign when you look over your child's work.
*FYI Please note: often times your child will be completing their classwork within a composition notebook. These are not sent home weekly. Example: This week much of our grammar and science lessons and learning will be done within and gluing student-made reference pages or activities into the subject notebooks.
Water bottles:
Please be sure to label your child's water and echo the importance of staying well hydrated throughout the day! Our lunch is early in the day, so we do have an afternoon snack around 1:00.
Tuesday, August 15th - Student Picture Day
A glance at our coming week... (FYI I highlight tests/quizzes)
Spelling (Spalding):
-This week is a Phonogram focus - There are NO spelling words this week. Typically spelling tests will be Friday 30 words. We will begin words next week. I will clarify HW directions for Spalding next week in the weekly blog post as well!
-Students will go through spalding penmanship training
-Poem: (introduced next week)
-Idiom: "Turn over a new leaf"
-Key vocab: digits, symbol
-Read and write 2 digit numbers in words
-Rename tens and ones
-Count on and count back from a given number within 100
-Understand the hundreds place and relate 3 digit numbers to hundreds, tens, and ones
Literature: Skill focus- Sequencing & Determining the moral of a story
Short story: The Blind Man and the Elephant
Grammar: Noun
Discovery, Discussion, Identifying
-Students will be able to group items that are magnetic and those that are not (Exploration)
-Students will know that magnetism is a force that we cannot see that acts upon objects
-Studnets will learn which metals are magnetic
-Students will discover naturally magnetic rocks and learn about the history of magnets
-Key vocab:
force: a push or a pull
magnet: an object that attracts certain materials
magnetism: an invisible force that attracts some materials
magnetic: an object that is attracted to a magnet
lodestone: naturally occurring magnetic rocks
-Students will recognize that different types of maps serve different purposes
-Students will interpret political and physical maps using titles, compass rose, and scales.
-Students will be able to identify and locate physical and human features on a map (ocean, continent, river, lake, mountain range, coast, 4 hemispheres, equator, prime meridian, poles)
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