Monday, October 22, 2018

Week of 10/22/18

Greetings Parents!
Thank you all for your contributions to the very generous wedding present. It was heartwarming to return to my door decorated welcoming me back. I feel so loved. 

It was such a pleasure to meet with all of you for conferences and discuss your kiddo’s progress. I can’t wait to see what the next several weeks will bring! We're already off to a strong start for the second quarter. Here is a look at the week ahead.
Important Dates
1.     Picture Retake Day October 23rd; If your student was absent on picture day you can order with your Picture ID at  Picture ID# SR568042Q1 or just want to retake your picture, simply return your original package on Picture Retake Day.   Please email your child’s teacher by Monday, Oct. 22nd to let them know your child will need to have their picture taken on Retake day so we won’t miss them. 
2.     Fall Concert Thursday, November 15th. Please see class blog for further details:
A Look in the Classroom
1.     ELA: We are going to dive deeper into our study of linking verbs. Our instruction on paragraph writing will begin as we learn the parts of a paragraph. As we transition into paragraph writing, please make sure you students are consistently writing in complete sentences. Also, we will be learning about how to find the main idea and details in what we read. Our next poem is going home Monday 10/22. Please have your scholar study our new poem "Something Told the Wild Geese" by Rachel Field nightly. Poems will be recited on Friday, November 9th. 
2.     Science: Students will be labeling the parts of animal cells and plant cells. We will be building a cookie model of a cell, please look out for help requests soon! 😀 Additionally, students will explain how cells and tissues work together in the body.
3.     History: Delving further into our beautiful Ancient China unit, we will discuss The Great Wall, The Chinese and their Ancestors, Chinese writing, and the teachings of Confucius. 
4.     Measurement assessment Monday 
New Unit (4): Multiplication 

-Write multiplication equations for equal groups 

-Use repeated addition to evaluate a multiplication equation 

-Multiply a number by another 

-Use rectangular arrays to illustrate multiplication 

-Write two related multiplication equations 
1.     Monday: Length Assessment
2.     Friday: Spelling Test
Please reach out if there is anything I can help with!

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