Important Dates
1. Thursday, Feb. 14th: Great Hearts Day
2. Wednesday, Feb. 27th: Little House in the Big Woods Coffee Talk (all reading and math groups are cancelled this day to make time for the coffee talk)
3. Friday, March 8th: Field fay
A Look in the Classroom
1. ELA: We will continue working on personal narratives in Writing class; Grammar will consist of more verb tense review. Bed in Summer is our new poem, recitation will be on March 1st. For Tall Tales, we will further our discussion about Johnny Appleseed.
2. History: With our War of 1812 unit behind us we will begin to learn about Westward Expansion! We will begin learning about settling the west with lessons about Daniel Boone and The Oregon Trail.
3. Science: Students will review states of matter in preparation for our water cycle unit.
4. Math Objectives:
1. 4 x ___ and ___x 4
2. Build the multiplication table for 4
3. Use related facts for find unknown facts
4. Solve word problems involving multiplication
5. Relate division by 4 to multiplication by 4
T-shirt Order Information from earlier today:
Each class is assigned a color and an ancient Greek city team name. We have been assigned the color Navy Blue and team Athens. Students will need to wear their class color during field day. I am organizing personalized t-shirts for our class. The cost is $9.62 if we meet the minimum order of 20 t-shirts. If you are interested, please submit and pay for your order here by Monday February 18th. We must have an order of 20 t-shirts or we will have to cancel the class order and your money will be refunded to you by the t-shirt company. I should receive the t-shirts by March 5th or 6th and will distribute in class. We already have 9 ordered so far! Thank you!
Please Note: Ordering these t-shirts are completely optional. If you do not order a t-shirt, please send your child in a plain orange t-shirt on Field Day. Each class is assigned a color and an ancient Greek city team name. We have been assigned the color Navy Blue and team Athens. Students will need to wear their class color during field day. I am organizing personalized t-shirts for our class. The cost is $9.62 if we meet the minimum order of 20 t-shirts. If you are interested, please submit and pay for your order here by Monday February 18th. We must have an order of 20 t-shirts or we will have to cancel the class order and your money will be refunded to you by the t-shirt company. I should receive the t-shirts by March 5th or 6th and will distribute in class. We already have 9 ordered so far! Thank you!
Order your T-shirt:
Sign up to help with field day:
Sign up for snacks:
Please do let me know if there is anything I can help with.
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