Important Dates
- Book Orders due Thursday 1/31 by 5pm. Go to Our class code is R7VTX.
- Friday, February 8th: Half Day
- Monday, February 18th: No School; President's Day
A Look in the Classroom
- ELA: In Grammar students will do a review of collective nouns and begin discussing verb tenses. In Writing class we will explore narrative paragraphs and read Ruby's First Day of School together. We will continue discussing Pecos Bill for our Tall Tales unit. In Spalding we will have a 15 word spelling list as we continue our detailed cursive instruction; Students should continue doing their Spalding homework in manuscript for now.
- Science: We will continue our discussion on seasons by reviewing day and night. Quizzing your kiddo on the difference between rotate (to spin around an axis) and revolve (to move in an orbit) may make for a fun dinnertime conversation! Students will explore the different changes that happen during different seasons.
- History: Students will continue exploring The War of 1812, we are looking forward to a lively discussion of James and Dolley Madison and their significant impact on our country. Also, students will be able to identify what motivated the Merchants and the War Hawks.
- Math Objectives:
- Review Mental Math
- Begin mental math strategies for subtraction (Parent help sheet going home)
- Review: Subtract a number close to 100
- Review: Subtract 2-digit numbers-ones, tens, or hundreds
- Friday: Spelling Test
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