Important Dates
1. Monday November 12th: No School, Veteran's Day
2. Thursday November 15th: Fall Concert, Higley Center
3. November 21st - 23rd, Thanksgiving Break, No School
4. Friday November 30th: Book Orders due by 5pm
A Look in the Classroom
1. ELA: We will begin to practice our new poem, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas; we will recite on December 7th. We will have a strong adverb review in Grammar. Reading will consist of summary creation. We will be drafting paragraphs in Writing class.
2. History: We will continue to discuss Greek gods and study the Trojan war. By the end of the week, we will learn about Athens and explore some of its beautiful architecture.
3. Science: Students will learn the different steps of digestion, we will be recreating the digestion process as well!
4. Math Objectives:
1. Multiplication Table of 2
2. Build the multiplication table for 2
3. Compute unknown facts from known facts
4. Solve simple word problems
5. Relate the facts for ___x2 for 2x___
6. Practice multiplication for 2
7. Practice word problems (division and multiplication)
K-2 Concert Logistics Thursday, November 15th

Parking Lot Assignments:
v K: Lot 1 1st: Lot 2 2nd: Lot 3
v Check In: Auditorium; Pick Up: Little Theatre (see map)
1st Graders:
v Check In: Little Theatre; Pick Up: Picnic Table Area outside (see map)
2nd Graders:
v Check In: Picnic Table Area outside; Pick Up: Stage (see map)
Things to Remember:
v Only students will be admitted into the building at 5pm. Doors open to audience members at 5:15pm. There will be staff members at the door and in the lobby to assist the students in reporting to their appropriate locations.
v Out of respect for all of the students, please plan on staying until the end of the K-2 concert.
v The 3rd-5th grade students will be arriving at 6:30pm. To avoid traffic jams, exit promptly once you have your student.
v The concert will be professionally recorded by Esthetics in Motion. Please refrain from bringing recording devices. DVDs can be preordered for purchase here:
Note to Families with Multiple Students:
· Please keep 3-5 students with you in the audience during the K-2 concert and pick up the K-2 students before the 3-5 concert begins.
A Note from the Higley Center:
· Please be patient in the parking lot, and be aware of your surroundings at all times because of the high volume of traffic.
· Cellphones should be turned off upon entering the auditorium.
· Please wait until the end of the song to applaud.
· Late comers will be asked to wait to enter the auditorium until the end of the current song.
· Out of respect for the performers and the camera crew, please exit to the lobby if your small child is causing a distraction.
· Food and drink are not allowed in the auditorium.

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