Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Week of 10/29/18

Important Dates
  1. Wednesday, October 31st: Dress Like Your Favorite Literary Character Day
  2. Friday, November 2nd: Half Day
  3. Friday, November 9th: Something Told The Wild Geese Poem Recitation
  4. Wednesday, November 14th: Part 2 of Simple Machines Project Due
  5. Thursday, November 15th: Fall Concert

A Look in the Classroom

  1. ELA: This week we will be finishing up our study of the types of verbs by taking a closer look at helping verbs. We will continue to find the main idea and detail in texts we read. This will help to solidify our understanding of the parts of a paragraph. In writing, we will practice the first part of the writing process: brainstorming. We will be using a variety of graphic organizers to help develop our big ideas and supporting details.
  2. History: We will look at several important inventions that China is famous for including silk, porcelain, and fireworks. Also, we will have a discussion about Chinese New Year, be on the look out for some fun dragon masks coming home!
  3. Science: Students  will  understand  the  contributions  that  Anton  van  Leeuwenhoek  made  to  the  field  of  microbiology and take an open notes cell quiz in class.
  4. Math Objectives:
    1. Review multiplication and introduce division (word problems)
    2. Use objects or drawings to solve word problems that  involve multiplication 
    3. Divide by sharing equally in a given number of groups 
    4. Write division equations 
    5. Solve simple word problems that involve sharing
    6. Divide by grouping by specified number to find the number of groups 
    7. Solve simple word problems that involve grouping 
    8. Use rectangular arrays to relate division to multiplication. 
    9. Write division and multiplication equations for a given set of equal groups 

  1. Thursday: Cell Quiz
  2. Friday: Spelling Test

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Last Blog of the Year

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