Our week:
Writing - Friendly letters continued
Grammar - Common and Proper Nouns
Sarah Plain and Tall chapters 6-9
Next Wednesday, 12/13 is our Coffee Talk for Sarah, Plain and Tall please visit our sign up link below to view ways to support this celebration!
2A -Sarah, Plain and Tall Book Buzz
-Tuesday is our Digestive System assessment. A study guide will be sent home Monday to review
-Simple Machine part 3 is due Wednesday
Later in the week we will...
-Students will understand the urinary system is part of the excretory system.
-Students will identify the major organs in the urinary system.
-Students will understand how the kidneys filter blood
-Wednesday will be the first part of our Greece unit assessment. A study guide will be sent home Tuesday to review
Our Greek Day celebration will be December 20. Look out for a sign up to be sent out for this date. It is one of our biggest days of the year and will need a lot of parent support.
-Ways to support your second grader during this math unit at home:
Your child should be fluent in counting by 3's 12 times. Please have your child practice this skill in the car/brushing teeth/throughout the evening when able. It will greatly help them multiply and divide by 3. Counting forward and backward.
Please support your child by having them do one 3 digit addition problem or subtraction problem a night with renaming. This will greatly support them as we continue to practice this concept as a review in class daily. Many of them would benefit from at-home-support with this regularly reviewed concept
This week we will be... -Practice division facts for 3
-Solve word problems
-Practice multiplication and division facts for 2 and 3
-Understand remainders in division
-Solve simple word problems involving remainders
-Understand that an even number can be divided evenly by 2
-Understand that an odd number has a remainder of 1 when divided by 2
-Represent an even number as the sum of two addends.
-Identify odd and even numbers within 20
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