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Thank you for attending Parent-Teacher Conferences. I am greatly looking forward to a growing quarter two. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. I so appreciate your feedback. |
Send in your Box Tops before Thursday! Our first Box Tops for Education Drive for 2017-2018 starts now! By clipping Box Tops on participating products and turning them into the school, you can help earn money for Archway Lincoln. Collection will begin now and all Box Tops must be turned in to your child’s classroom by Thursday, October 26th. The class in each grade with the most Box Tops collected will earn a special treat!
Reading Homework Update:
-A Reading (Leveled) Comprehension will be coming home this week. It will be sent home on Monday and due Thursday. -Continuing Fluency (sent home Monday and due Thursday as well)
Literary Character Day:
Dress as your favorite Literary Character Day will be Tuesday, October 31st. More details on this even coming soon.
Permission slips (lime green half sheets) went home Wednesday, October 18th. Please note: Teacher approval is required if your child wishes to dress up.
Parent Mindset Resources:
If you wish to read the book Mindset by Carol Dweck
Simple Machine Project PART 1 DUE Wednesday, October 25: Brainstorm Map of Ideas for their project.
-Students will identify and label the parts of an animal cell:
--> cell membrane, nucleus, nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, vacuoles --Students will identify and label parts of a plant cell:
--> cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, vacuoles, chloroplasts
-Students will be able to explain how a plant cell differs from an animal cell.
-Students will be able to explain how cell tissue, organs, and organ systems work together in the body
-Thursday Students will build a model of a cell (Using a Sugar Cookie and Candy materials to represent parts)
-Next Thursday, November 2nd there will be an open note quiz
Math: UNIT 4
-Use rectangular arrays to illustrate multiplication
-Use objects or drawings to solve simple word problems that involve multiplication
-Divide by sharing equally into a given number of groups. Write division equations. Solve simple word problems that involve sharing.
-Divide by grouping by a specified number to find the number of groups. Solve simple word problems that involve grouping.
-Use rectangular arrays to relate division to multiplication. Write division and multiplication equations for a given set of equal groups
Poem: Went home last Thursday. "Something Told the Wild Geese" to be presented on Nov. 3
Literature: Cricket in Times Square chapters 3-6 (Read aloud, so it is not required for the students to bring in this book) Vocabulary and Comprehension
Reading Skill Focus: (Last week was visualization) This week's reading focus is Organization
Writing: Determining Main Idea and Details. Focus- paragraph parts-topic sentence
Grammar: Parsing Sentences (Introduce Adjective Articles)
Idioms: Back to the Drawing Board
-Students will be able to explain how cell tissue, organs, and organ systems work together in the body
-Thursday Students will build a model of a cell (Using a Sugar Cookie and Candy materials to represent parts)
-Next Thursday, November 2nd there will be an open note quiz
Math: UNIT 4
-Use rectangular arrays to illustrate multiplication
-Use objects or drawings to solve simple word problems that involve multiplication
-Divide by sharing equally into a given number of groups. Write division equations. Solve simple word problems that involve sharing.
-Divide by grouping by a specified number to find the number of groups. Solve simple word problems that involve grouping.
-Use rectangular arrays to relate division to multiplication. Write division and multiplication equations for a given set of equal groups
Poem: Went home last Thursday. "Something Told the Wild Geese" to be presented on Nov. 3
Literature: Cricket in Times Square chapters 3-6 (Read aloud, so it is not required for the students to bring in this book) Vocabulary and Comprehension
Reading Skill Focus: (Last week was visualization) This week's reading focus is Organization
Writing: Determining Main Idea and Details. Focus- paragraph parts-topic sentence
Grammar: Parsing Sentences (Introduce Adjective Articles)
Idioms: Back to the Drawing Board
Simple Machines Project Letter
Dear Parents,
We have been studying six simple machines in science: the inclined plane, the wedge, the wheel and axle (including gears), the lever, the pulley, and the screw.
What: Your student is going to build an invention that includes at least two simple machines. The invention can make a chore easier, faster or better or be an arcade game. Be creative and use your imagination! The project should be small enough to fit on your student’s desk. They will present their invention to the class.
When: There will be 3 Check-In Assignments to help your student prepare:
1. DUE Wednesday, October 25: Brainstorm Map of Ideas for their project.
2. DUE Wednesday, November 15: Research Page featuring 3 different Simple Machines.
3. DUE Wednesday, December 6: Simple Machines Sentences. Have your child fill out the sentences in their own writing. This is a rough draft.
DUE January 8th: The final physical project and a written paragraph combining the sentences from Check-In Assignment #3 and making any corrections.
How: Your student may use any materials that they wish to build their project, such as wood, cardboard, glue, string, plastic bottles, etc. If they use Legos, K’nex, etc., they must make something that is their own creation not something from a kit. Use materials you have at home. Please do not go out and spend a lot of money on this.
Grade: The project will be graded in four parts: (See attached checklist)
1. The Check-In assignments
2. The project itself (neatness, follows the assignment, etc)
3. The written report (clear, neat, few mistakes)
4. The class presentation (Explain what they did in a clear way with a loud voice and identify the simple machines used. They will need to know this information by heart, not read it from their report because we will have that.)
Parents may help with things like sawing and drilling, but this should be THEIR idea and most of the WORK should be the student. Have fun with this! If you have any questions, be sure to ask us.
The Second Grade Team
Simple Machines Project Checklist
Name: ________________________________
Check-In Assignments
_______/10 Brainstorm Map
_______/10 Research Page
_______/10 Simple Machines Sentences
Project (50 Points)
_______/10 Neat
_______/20 Includes at least 2 simple machines
_______/10 Follows directions
_______/10 Creativity
Written Report (30 points)
_______/10 Complete
_______/5 Neat
_______/5 Easy to understand
_______/5 Capital letters, punctuation, and spelling
_______/5 Follows directions
Oral Report (20 points)
_______/15 Able to explain project
_______/5 Audible
_______/130 Total
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