- This Friday 9/29 is a half-day dismissal
- Scholastic Book Fair: September 29 - October 6
- Second Annual Literacy Night and Read-a-Thon Kick-Off 9/29
"Rustle up your family and friends & join us for our 2nd Annual Literacy Night, Sept. 29 from 5-8 p.m. Arizona Rick, the Balloon Cowboy, will perform his amazing act at 6:00p.m. Come peruse our great selection of books at our Scholastic Book Fair, enjoy dinner on the lawn with a BBQ and a dessert food truck, check out our crafts and photo booth, and learn more about our 2017 Read-a-Thon. We will also have a special Guest Reader on stage to read one of our favorite books. You don't want to miss this fun event!
Questions? Contact library@archwaylincoln.org
Interested in helping out? Sign-up to volunteer at http://signup.com/go/suGqyuW"
Interested in helping out? Sign-up to volunteer at http://signup.com/go/suGqyuW"
- A note from our music teacher....
Fall Concert
Thursday, November 16th at 5:30pm at the Higley Center For the Performing Arts
Dress Code for Concerts:
Girls must wear a white shirt, with a black skirt (knee length or longer) or dress slacks, and black dress shoes (black tights if desired).
Boys must wear a white collared, button-down shirt, black slacks, black socks and black dress shoes.
The students will be wearing the same attire for the Spring Concert in April.
Some stores that carry appropriate concert attire:
o Macy’s
o JCPenney
o Sears
o Kohl’s
o Target
o Walmart
o Lands’ End (landsend.com)
· Shopstyle.com
Feel free to email me if you have questions.
Rachel Boswell
Email: rboswell@archwaylincoln.org
A glance at our coming week...
Monday we will review in class concepts from unit 2 - addition and subtraction (renaming the tens and hundreds, addition and subtraction word problems)
Workbook pages 87-91 are a review of this unit and will be done Monday in class.
Tuesday is the Unit 2 assessment
Please note: Following this unit's test we will be continuing to review this unit's concepts in class at the start of each math lesson- providing separate instruction: Intervention and challenge questions depending on the performance of your scholar with these concepts.
Introducing Unit 3 (Measurement)
with a focus on standard and non standard units of measurement to develop an understanding in your child why a standard unit is needed as opposed to using things like our hands to measure. The class will be introduced to meters later in the week.
Grammar: Classifying sentences for the subject noun, verb, and adverb
Literature: The Boxcar Children chapters 11-13
Heads up Literature homework Friday: Scholars need to write three questions about the book (The Boxcar Children) that cannot be answered with "yes" or "no" for our first BOOK BUZZ
Spalding: 29 word test, handwriting focus: 2:00 letters must start at 2:00 - please email me if you see your child forming these letters incorrectly at home and I will provide a resource to support correct handwriting formation at home. This prepares your child for the cursive transition (towards the end of the year)
Writing with ease: Mrs. Piggle Wiggle Packet
This week's Idiom: Don't judge a book by its cover.
Students will understand the story of the Buddha and his importance in Indian culture (Buddha Day)
Students will understand the importance of Jataka tales in the history of India and the Buddha
Students will review a wheel and axle
Students will discover how pulleys help us do work
Students will understand a pulley is a grooved wheel that has a rope, belt, or chain wrapped around it
Students will understand that friction is a force that works against motion.
10/2 Monday We will review the Simple Machines Unit
10/3 Tuesday is the simple machine test