Monday, September 25, 2017

Week of 9/25

  • This Friday 9/29 is a half-day dismissal 
  • Scholastic Book Fair: September 29 - October 6 
  • Second Annual Literacy Night and Read-a-Thon Kick-Off 9/29

"Rustle up your family and friends & join us for our 2nd Annual Literacy Night, Sept. 29 from 5-8 p.m. Arizona Rick, the Balloon Cowboy, will perform his amazing act at 6:00p.m. Come peruse our great selection of books at our Scholastic Book Fair, enjoy dinner on the lawn with a BBQ and a dessert food truck, check out our crafts and photo booth, and learn more about our 2017 Read-a-Thon. We will also have a special Guest Reader on stage to read one of our favorite books. You don't want to miss this fun event!

Questions? Contact
Interested in helping out? Sign-up to volunteer at"

  •  A note from our music teacher....

Fall Concert 
Thursday, November 16th at 5:30pm at the Higley Center For the Performing Arts
Dress Code for Concerts:
Girls must wear a white shirt, with a black skirt (knee length or longer)  or dress slacks, and black dress shoes (black tights if desired).
Boys must wear a white collared, button-down shirt, black slacks, black socks and black dress shoes.
The students will be wearing the same attire for the Spring Concert in April.
Some stores that carry appropriate concert attire:
o     Macy’s
o     JCPenney
o     Sears
o     Kohl’s
o     Target
o     Walmart
o     Lands’ End (
Feel free to email me if you have questions.
Rachel Boswell

A glance at our coming week...
Monday we will review in class concepts from unit 2 - addition and subtraction (renaming the tens and hundreds, addition and subtraction word problems) 
Workbook pages 87-91 are a review of this unit and will be done Monday in class.
Tuesday is the Unit 2 assessment  
Please note: Following this unit's test we will be continuing to review this unit's concepts in class at the start of each math lesson- providing separate instruction: Intervention and challenge questions depending on the performance of your scholar with these concepts. 
Introducing Unit 3 (Measurement) 
with a focus on standard and non standard units of measurement to develop an understanding in your child why a standard unit is needed as opposed to using things like our hands to measure. The class will be introduced to meters later in the week.  

Grammar: Classifying sentences for the subject noun, verb, and adverb
Literature: The Boxcar Children chapters 11-13
Heads up Literature homework Friday: Scholars need to write three questions about the book (The Boxcar Children) that cannot be answered with "yes" or "no" for our first BOOK BUZZ

Spalding: 29 word test, handwriting focus: 2:00 letters must start at 2:00 - please email me if you see your child forming these letters incorrectly at home and I will provide a resource to support correct handwriting formation at home. This prepares your child for the cursive transition (towards the end of the year)  
Writing with ease: Mrs. Piggle Wiggle Packet
This week's Idiom: Don't judge a book by its cover.  

Students will understand the story of the Buddha and his importance in Indian culture (Buddha Day)
Students will understand the importance of Jataka tales in the history of India and the Buddha

Students will review a wheel and axle 
Students will discover how pulleys help us do work 
Students will understand a pulley is a grooved wheel that has a rope, belt, or chain wrapped around it 
Students will understand that friction is a force that works against motion.
10/2 Monday We will review the Simple Machines Unit 
10/3 Tuesday is the simple machine test

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Week of 9/18

A glance at our coming week... 

-Poem- Two Limericks went home 9/7 to be presented 9/22 (see previous blog post) Alliteration, Repetition 
-Literature- Chapters 8-10 The Boxcar Children 
-Identify examples of Archway Virtues in the Boxcar Children 

-New Idiom Focus- Practice what you preach and Where there's a will there's a way.
-Touchpebbles (Socratic discussions centered around text and reflection) 
Identifying the Subject Noun and the Verb in a sentence. Friday we will introduce adverbs.
  • See previous post for an Amazing Shurley Grammar Resource for parents! 
4 Sentence Types (Interrogative (question), Imperative (command), Exclamatory (!), Declarative (.): An assessment on this material will be given Friday.

-Students will understand the importance of the Indus and Ganges Rivers for India and the mystery of the Indus River
-Students will recognize the effect the Aryans had on ancient India
-Students will identify Hinduism as an important world religion
-Students will understand the basic components of Hinduism including castes, reincarnation, and yoga. 
-Students will understand the importance and meaning of the Hindu holiday Diwali

-Students will understand a lever is a bar that rests on a fulcrum to lift or move objects 
-Students will understand a fulcrum is the point on which a lever turns or pivots   
-Students will find examples of wedges and levers in everyday life
-Simple Machines continued  

-Renaming the tens and hundreds to subtract 
-Solving Word Problems 
-Rename hundreds to subtract within 1,000 
-Practice word problems and choose the correct operation
-Friday - Review and Monday 9/25 Review for Addition and Subtraction assessment Tues 9/26

For quarter one we will be attacking reading fluency . On Mondays you will be sent tools for your child's growth in specific areas.
  • There will be a fluency passage 
  •  There are "How to" directions listed on the form. These are due Thursday.
  •  For marking errors: If your student stumbles but sounds it correctly on his/her own don't slash it. If he/she stumbles and voices incorrectly briefly then self corrects - slash it and write above it 'sc' for self corrects. If he/she stumbles and voices it incorrectly and you read it for him/her it is marked as incorrect. Count any sc as correct because he/she corrected the mistake.  

    Please visit reading a-z see link below for resources/more information. They have a parents portal which I find very helpful! :) 

        Monday, September 11, 2017

        Week of 9/11/17

        A glance at our coming week... 

        -Poem- Two Limericks went home 9/7 to be presented 9/22 (see previous blog post)
        -Literature- Chapters 5-7 The Boxcar Children Please send in the book with your child for class if it is still at home
        -Literature focus: setting (time and place), sequencing (comprehension), character (what they say and do provides evidence into how they feel and who they are), vocabulary   
        -New Idiom Focus- Practice what you preach
        -Touchpebbles start this week (Socratic discussions centered around text and reflection) 
        -FYI: Your child takes a comprehension reading assessment each Friday (Short passage with multiple choice questions) 
        Identifying the Subject Noun and the Verb in a sentence. Example Sentence: The boy ran. 
        • To identify the subject noun...students will ask... WHO RAN? -->BOY, SUBJECT NOUN. & label the subject noun SN above the word boy. 

        4 Sentence Types (Interrogative (question), Imperative (command), Exclamatory (!), Declarative (.): 
        Please note the Grandparents activity your child completed does not need to be submitted/turned in. The stapled half sheet was provided so your child could correct their sentences at home-

        -Students will be able to identify Japan on a map of Asia
        -Students will be able to identify Tokyo and Mt. Fuji on a map of Japan 
        -Students will color the Japan flag 
        -Students will understand the importance of Children's Day in Japanese culture and create a carp kite
        -Students will learn about Haikus and practice writing their own 
        -Students will understand the importance of cherry blossoms in Japanese culture by creating a cherry blossom tree 
        -Japan Mini Assessment Friday 

        -Students will discover how wedges and levers help us do work 
        -Students will understand a wedge is two planes that come together in a point 
        -Students will understand a lever is a bar that rests on a fulcrum to lift or move objects 
        -Students will understand a fulcrum is the point on which a lever turns or pivots   
        -Students will find examples of wedges and levers in everyday life

        Number Bond Clarification Video:
        -Rename ones and 10's to add within 1,000 and solve word problems 
        -Add more than 2 numbers and solve word problems 
        -Subtract ones or tens from a three digit number 

        (Renaming is when there are 10 or more ones in the ones place and you have to rename the 10 ones to be one ten)

        Example Problem for "math language parent support" 
        7 + 4
        The students need to be able to explain that there will be more than 10 ones when you add 7 + 4  you rename the ten ones to be "one 10" 
        the answer is 11 (one 10 and one 1) 
        We call it renaming ones to be a ten, & renaming 10 tens to be one hundred...not carrying the one (it is really a ten not a one, so this is an important way to speak about the numbers so the scholar can understand what is happening in the equation.) 
        Skill to catch up: Your child needs to be able to mentally make ten
        Ask them 1 and ___ make ten? They should be able to say 1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7, 4 and 6, 5 and 5, 10 and 0. Then backwards... 9 and 1, 8 and 2..etc. This should be automatic.  

        Fly on the wall video of an addition renaming problem: 

        Reminder-Parent event this week: 

        September 12 - 
        Love and Logic by Larry Kerby 6:30 - 8 p.m.
        Archway Lincoln’s Parent Positive Series started last year as an effort to provide our parents with knowledge to help raise Great-Hearted children. Our intention is to provide you with informative speakers and blog posts containing practical ideas and information.
        We’re excited to announce our first speaker for the 2017-18 school year! 
         Join us Tuesday, September 12th from 6:30 - 8 p.m. for a FREE seminar to hear dynamic and humorous speaker Larry Kerby cover the basics of Love and Logic. In this insightful and entertaining intro, you’ll begin learning how to:
        •    Help children take ownership of their own problems 
        •    Use tools that will allow you to eliminate arguing in the home 
        •    Get children to act the first time you ask 
        •    Help children to be more responsible 
        •    Allow the consequences to be the "bad guy," not you

        Fall Concert 
        Thursday, November 16th at 5:30pm at the Higley Center For the Performing Arts
        Dress Code for Concerts:
        Girls must wear a white shirt, with a black skirt (knee length or longer)  or dress slacks, and black dress shoes (black tights if desired).
        Boys must wear a white collared, button-down shirt, black slacks, black socks and black dress shoes.
        The students will be wearing the same attire for the Spring Concert in April.
        Some stores that carry appropriate concert attire:
        o     Macy’s
        o     JCPenney
        o     Sears
        o     Kohl’s
        o     Target
        o     Walmart
        o     Lands’ End (
        Feel free to email me if you have questions.
        Rachel Boswell- K-2 Music Teacher

        Monday, September 4, 2017

        Week of 9/4

        I hope you all enjoyed your three day weekend. 

        Black folders went home Friday. Please sign the enclosed page to acknowledge you viewed the contents. 

        Black folder Conversations 
        1. It is okay to make mistakes, that is the way we learn.
        2. It is intelligent to ask for help
        3. We can do more and learn more if we are willing to take risks 
        4. Everyone needs time to think and to learn. 
        5. We each learn in our own ways, by our own clocks. 

        "I can learn how to do this." 

        "What can I learn from my mistake?" 

        "I can always give my best effort and improve." 

        "This just needs more time and effort." 

        "I can't do it yet." 

        "I can learn how they do it." 

         "What other strategies can I try?" 

        "I'm on the right track." 

        Thank you to all who attended the Singapore and Spalding Information Night last night (Thursday 8/31). 
        If you were unable to attend here are some of the resources:

        Phonogram Phone App-(Copy and paste the link)  

        Singapore Resources-
        Why Before How Singapore Math Computation Strategies 
        By: Jana Hazelkamp 

        The Parent Connection for Singapore Math Tools to Help Them "Get It' & Get Behind It 
        By: Sandra Chen 

        It's the Story that Counts 
        More Children's Books for Mathematical Learning K-6
        by: David J. Whitin and Sandra Wilde 

        Singapore Classes:
        Singapore Math Parent Classes 

        Maricopa County Library 
        Free with current library card: Look on Library website under "Learn" Six Week Course

        Singapore Internet Resources: (copy and paste)  

        Other Upcoming Events:
        Love and Logic Seminar (FREE)
        Tuesday, September 12th 6:30-8 
        Parent Techniques: 
        -Help children take ownership for their own problems 
        -Use tools that will allow you to eliminate arguing in the home 
        -Get children to act the first time you ask 
        -Help children to be more responsible 
        -Allow consequences to be the "bad guy," not you

        Literacy Night - (Read-a-thon kick off) Food trucks, Scholastic Book Fair, Craft, & a show
        Sept. 29 5:00 
        A glance at our coming week...

        LiteratureThe Boxcar Children Chapters 1-4  
        Please send in The Boxcar Children so your child has it for class Tuesday. 
        Grammar- 5 parts of a Sentence 
        1. Subject 2. Verb 3. Makes sense 4. Capital letter 5. Punctuation Mark  
        Writing with Ease - Aesops Fables 
         Spalding- Handwriting Focus=phonograms/words rest on the baseline and tall letters approach the top-line but do not touch it.
        20 word test Friday 

        Math: Addition, Subtraction, and word problems 
        -Subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers without renaming & solve word problems 
        -Add ones or tens to a 3 digit number using mental math strategies 
        -Rename ones and solve word problems 

        Science: New Unit - Simple Machines 

        -Students will understand that machines help us do work 
        -Students will understand that work is when force is applied to an object and it moves in the direction of the force. 
        -plane, incline plane, ramp  
        -Students will explore inclined planes and identify its parts and purpose in everyday life and review the history of this simple machine (Egypt) 

        Wrap up Americas unit - Students will identify the countries in South America and review unit of the Americas (N., central, S.) 
        Test Thursday - a tool to study will be sent home Wednesday 

        Friday we introduce our new unit! ASIA - we will journey through Asia starting in Japan but first...
        -Students will locate Japan, China, and India on a map of Asia

        Tutoring Clarification: 
        The week of 8/28 Tutoring invitations began to be sent out. I do not charge for after school tutoring time (I believe it is my role as a teacher to support the students that are struggling) I tutor Mon. and Thurs. Please note: Tutoring is by invitation only. If your child is struggling with a concept at home please reach out to me.  
        If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me. We can conference by phone or set up a time to meet. I am here to support your child mentally and emotionally as we journey through the deep, rigorous curriculum. 

        Just because it is hard doesn’t mean something is wrong! 

        Last Blog of the Year

        Important Dates   1.       Wednesday, May 22nd: Insect Museum  2.       Thursday, May 23 rd : Last Day of School/ Charlotte's  We...